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At Swindon Croquet club we offer everything you need to take part in this popular active outdoor sport. It is a game of strategy and skill, people of all ages can compete and men and women play on equal terms. As an outdoor sport it is also great for your health and well-being!  
Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more and give croquet a try!


"This is the game you wish you'd

learnt play earlier!"



Our Story.
Swindon Croquet Club was founded in 1985 and since the turn of the century, has grown to a membership of 60 or more with age ranges from 14 to people well into their 80s. Both variants of croquet (Association Croquet - AC and Golf Croquet - GC) are played with Golf being the most popular. Tuesday and Thursday are GC club days with Wednesday afternoons being devoted to AC. The lawns/courts are open at all other times, other than match and tournament days, for members to have informal games. The Club hopes to expand its facilities to 5 lawns in the very near future. With its new and enlarged membership, the Club has instituted more competitions and tournaments including a club GC League operating throughout the season as well as several GC club tournaments in Spring and Autumn. Now it has four teams in the Federation leagues, two in AC (Federation and Intermediate Levels) and two in GC (Open Handicap and High Handicap). During the season, we have two AC club competitions (the Lydiard Plate and the Cliff Cardis Cup) and several GC competitions. There are also other variants played such as One-Ball and Short Croquet as season openers.

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